Step-by-step instruction

The application is used to create transcrips from audio-video conference recordings with timing of speakers’ speech.


Let’s run the application. Enter your personal login and password. If you have not registered in the Stenogram project, go to the website and register. There is also a registration link at the bottom of the app. Your credentials will be used to sign in.

On the first page you see the archive of your projects. All projects are stored on your personal computer. You can open an existing project or create a new one.


Select the Stenogram or operating mode. The mode selection is located in the lower left corner of the application.

– Stenogram mode has fewer languages, but allows free project stenography up to 30 minutes.

– mode has more languages, automatic detection of speakers in one file and punctuation.

You can evaluate the quality of recognition for your language by creating projects in different modes on the same recordings


Enter a project name and select a recognition language.

Enter additional information about the meeting. This data will be displayed in the output transcript file.



It is possible to identify speakers in the mode. This is called diarization. Choose how speakers are defined for meeting recordings.


One file with next diarization or one or more records for each speaker.


On the screenshot we choose the mode when each speaker has a personal record.

Next setp you sould add speakers and records.


Or you can create speakers manually with + button and add personal files to each speaker.


You can download all records at once and then the application will divide them into speakers.


Use the naming template for the  conference and Stenogram will assign speaker’s names automaticaly. A naming template can be created for the recordings of your video conferencing system.

The following options are also available at this step:

– You can set any language to any record. This is relevant when the conference participants speak different languages.

– If a separate video was filmed at the meeting, it can be added to the project. The video must start within three minutes of the start of the meeting recording for correctly synchronization. Video can be useful, for example, when asked to raise their hands during voting.

The process of creating a text protocol is called transcription, it takes place on a Stenogram cloud server.


Wait until the transcription is finished. You can close the application while the text protocol is being created.

Next step you can edit the transcript. It is synchronized with voice playback. In case of a recognition error, you can always correct the word.


Additionally, you can enable the video if it has been uploaded.


After editing the transcript, export the final file to a text document in pdf and word formats.


If you have any questions, you can always ask them on our web page

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