30 min Stenogram conferenct free of charge!

Compare Stenogram modes

Stenogram Pro
Supported file formats

a) audio: mp3, wav, m4a, flac
b) video: mp4

Multiple file support

When creating multiple speakers, sound files
are attached personally to each speaker.


Speakers recognition in one record.

Adding multiple voice files to speakers
Time sequence analysis in records

Tracked for sequencing in a transcript

Sentance detection.
Thin client
Ability to keep and edit data offline.
Add a video file into conference records

A separate-recorded video file is synchronized with the voice files

Extension of the recognition dictionary with user-specific words

Adding unrecognized phonemes via logging
voice segments. It is actual when
professional slang or speakers with a strong accent take place.

Multiple language

Check the number of supported languages in specification for each Stenogram mode.

Suport of English and Russian interface.
File playback control.

Play, pause buttons available
as well as the  change the playback speed.

Personal project statistics at personal account
Interactive editing

Each word is automatically highlighted as it is spoken. By clicking on a word, you automatically play it. Double click opens word edit mode.

Audio and video records synchronization
Price per minute

$0,15 /minute       <30 mnts $0

Stenogram — is advantage for you business

Free of charge client

Register and download Stenogram client for free

Compare Srenogram mode without charge

Register and you get 15 minutes bonus you can use in both modes

Stenogram transcribation is free of charge

Each Stenogram project is free of charge within 30 minutes.  You pay only after 31 minute.

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